The Community Health Training Alliance (CHTA) is excited and proud to present our next upcoming webinar:

Hepatitis C 101: What everyone should know
Hepatitis C is the most common blood borne viral infection in the US. Many people who are living with hepatitis C are unaware they are infected, which is problematic because if left untreated, hepatitis C can lead to serious liver problems such as cirrhosis or cancer.  There is now excellent treatment for hepatitis C that is short in duration, well tolerated and can lead to cure in more than 95% of individuals who take the medication. This webinar will cover the basics of hepatitis C including the effects of hepatitis C on the body, who should be tested, how to get tested, and current treatment for those who are infected. Common myths and misconceptions will be addressed. Advocacy opportunities will be presented and there will be time for questions and discussion at the end of the presentation.
This  webinar will be held on May 11TH  at 1:00 O’CLOCK 
Register here !